5 Ways to Stop Your Foreclosure in Olympia WA- Local Records Office
Local Records Office: Dealing with foreclosure in Olympia, Washington could be a stressful and painful process especially for those who have no idea what to do concerning this and how to stop this. But before you can learn how to stop a pending foreclosure you should understand how a foreclosure works in Olympia, Washington says, Local Records Office.

What is a Non-Judicial Foreclosure?
According to Local Records Office “Olympia, Washington utilizes the non-judicial technique of foreclosing on a property”. Just what is a non-judicial foreclosure you ask? A non-judicial foreclosure does not involve the courts however it does require a notice as to when they may foreclosure, says Local Records Office. When you first signed the loan agreement on your mortgage, one of the things you signed will be the deed of trust. The deed of trust provides the lender the right to foreclose the property if a default of payments were to occur. One of the items in the deed of trust is what’s often known as the power of sale term. Read more here.
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