5 Ways to Avoid High Energy Bill - Local Records Office

5 Ways to Avoid High Energy Bill - Local Records Office

LOCAL RECORDS OFFICE: After a long winter, a lot  of Americans are loving the warm weather. But summer heat brings higher electricity bills thanks to increased regulation on the coal industry.
And over the next several years, energy prices are expected to increase by about 13 percent come 2020. Last year, the average summer electricity bills was about $395, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Here are a few simple tips to help shave down costs ahead of the summer season:

1. Take Control of  Your Consumption

Making small changes to your living habits can bring significant savings to your cooling costs. Programming your thermostat to a higher temperature when not at home can help reduce your bills along with keeping shades down to let in less sun heat. Another option is turning to gadgets like the Nest thermostat to manage temperatures in the home. Nest is a
“Sealing your home will help you see a drastic reduction on your electric bills.”
smart thermostat that allows users to zone their homes and control temperatures via their phone. Nest also learns what temperatures owners prefer.
“If you already have a programmable thermostat, you don’t necessarily need to update to a Nest,” says Julia Scott, “But turning down your thermostat in small increments can help you to save on your electricity bills.”
Nest retails for about $250, and the company’s website claims it can cut down electricity bills by about 20 percent.

2. Buy Energy-Smart Appliances to Lower Utility Bills

If you are in the market for a new air conditioner or refrigerator, consider buying an energy-smart model. They use less power and may be tax credit eligible. Check out Energystar.gov for more information on energy-efficient appliance and possible tax breaks.
“It’s a no-brainer,” Scott says. “Also, consider dusting the bottom of your refrigerator coils to help them run more efficiently. If it’s covered in dust, it has to work harder to release that heat.”
