10 DIY Home Project Superstitions That Homeowners Need to Stop Believing

Superstition or myths around the real estate market is real. Different television shows and the personalities attached to them have kicked off an era of DIY home repairs and maintenance. Shows make it look so easy, so fun, and, above all, so sexy. Why wouldn’t people want to get in on the action? After all, you could make a bunch of money on a rundown house that you DIY into a market success.

But there are so many DIY myths out there and we think you should know them before you embark on any sort of grand project. We’ve researched around the Internet as well as looked at what the experts have to say about the DIY myths out there before you embark on your
 Do-it-yourself projects.

1. Home Improvements Add Profit

They do if they are done well. But if you do a poor job with a DIY project, you could actually take away value from your home. That’s because any buyer that is buying attention is going to want to have had a professional job done where you thought your DIY project was enough.

And if you have a professional shopping your home that person can spot a DIY disaster from a mile away and might write you off then and there – or really undercut you on price.

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