10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Buying a House (VIDEO)

 Ever since I was a kid I’ve always had a dream of buying and owning my own house. Due to social distancing and the COVID-19 pandemic scare, my family and I decided to take stop renting and buy our first house. After putting down the down payment, moving in, and started to do some renovations I realized there were a lot of things I didn’t know about buying a house. I didn’t have a mentor or a relative telling me the dos and don’ts. I made a large number of mistakes that I wish I knew before buying a house.

Purchasing a home doesn’t come with instructions, you won’t know if the roof will come crashing down in a few months or if the base of the house is rooting. Even though we paid an inspector to do a thorough inspection of the home there are still things that missed or hidden.

1. Loud Noises in the Day and or Night-Time

The neighborhood could be nice and quiet in the daytime but it may be completely different at night. There have been many reports when the new homebuyers purchase a home and didn’t check it at night and it ended up being right next to Frat Party Houses or restaurant that turns bar at night. This could be a serious deal-breaker.

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