My Home is Infested With Cockroaches, How Do I Get Rid of Them?

 Cockroaches seem to be everywhere, get into everything, and they always come back. Roaches tend to show up in kitchens and bathrooms first. The kitchen gets hit first due to food that is left behind and the bathroom because it’s damp and has drops of water in the sink and bathtub. To make things worst roaches are extremely fast and not to mention disgusting insects.

Cockroaches Are Everywhere

When I was in my early 30’s I purchased my first house, the house was located near a lake in northern California. Let’s be honest, purchasing a home in 2020 is extremely difficult, banks and brokers require a credit score of 700 or higher with a minimum of 5-10% down payment of the price of the house. The majority of mid-age Americans don’t have a 700 credit score; low credit scores seem to be more common these days. The 5-10% down payment was the worst. I had to work 2 jobs while buying the cheapest products at the grocery store for 4 years.

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