7 Things Your Insurance Might Not Cover After a Hurricane (VIDEO)

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Hurricanes are natural disasters that happen across the world. A typical hurricane brings 6 to 7 inches of rain across a region. Even though this is a natural disaster that couldn’t be prevented many insurance companies will not cover it or will have limits of what could be covered. Even though homeowners policies will cover rain, hail, and other natural disasters many times it isn’t enough. The hurricane didn’t just affect homeowners it also affected house and apartment renters.

1. Damaged Caused by Mold, Water Damage, Drain Backups, and Others

Water damage is one of the most common causes of property damage in the United States. Water damage creates mold and build-up that destroys electronics, furniture, and even worst it gets between the walls causing mildew that will eventually rot the core of the house structure. Mold and mildew also cause dangerous health problems like asthma. When sewer lines become clogged it will cause drain backup, drain backup could cause homeowners hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage in a home. Many home insurance policies have strict rules on what they will or won’t cover.
